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Today's first aid course was in great demand


Different varied people having different origins. - The majority of participants had a great motivation for the first aid course in English.

Andreas Fetzner


Andreas Fetzner
Abteilungsleiter Rotkreuzdienste

06221- 90 10 40
06221- 90 10 27

Email an das Ausbildungsteam
Nevertheless, there is one common aim: it is always better to help people instead of doing nothing. With regard to these wise words, the participants were especially happy to spend this day within this course. Furthermore, every one gained an amount of hints as well as they put first aid into practice as if to say: ʺpractice makes perfect.ʺ 

Mr. Andreas Fetzner who is responsible for the management of these training courses was nearly thrilled due to the positive reaction of people who were part of the first aid course in English.

On 21 October 2017 we will have another first aid course in English.
Are you interested? Then please register immediately.

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